Friday, November 16, 2007

Dumb-Dumb County, Florida

Do I look like an orangutan to you? (PHOTO BY Jimmy Smith/FLICKR)

It seems wildlife officials are finally saying that the animal sneaking around Baker County, Florida, is an orange phase fox squirrel — not an orangutan.

Huh? Did I miss something? Sure, fox squirrels can get pretty big (about two feet max). But how out of it do you have to be to think a fox squirrel is an orangutan?

Just a note on fox squirrels: They tend to stink — badly. Not sure why. Must have something to do with their cranberry fetish.


Anonymous said...

hey, mister, I live in Baker County! how dare you!

Anonymous said...

an orangutan? that's just crazy . . .

W. H. Hinkley said...

Wow. How could they think it was an orangutan?